Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action Program Of White Construction & Associates, Inc.

Equal employment opportunity as outlined in Executive order 11246 and the EEO Policy for VET/Handicap personnel, (ie. 41CFR60-250.4, 41CFR60-741.4, 60-250.5 (a) (b) (c) and 60.741.5 (a) (b) (c), as applicable, and has been, and continues to be the stated and practiced policy of White Construction & Associates, Inc. The following program of affirmative action is proposed as a means of insuring effective and continuing implementation of this policy:
- A copy of this program and statement of policy will be posted in a conspicuous place in the field office so that all employees may become familiar with the company’s position in this regard.
- A copy of this program and statement of policy will be sent to each subcontractor and supplier with a request for written confirmation that they understand the company’s policy and program and also will take affirmative action to insure equal employment practices within their own organizations.
- Thomas C. Sander, Secretary of White Construction & Associates, Inc. is appointed equal employment opportunity officer, and as such, will coordinate and constantly review implementation of the provisions herein.
- Supervisory and management personnel will be required to read this program and policy statement, and will be reviewed and instructed in its meaning to assure their full understanding. Additionally, they will be required to sign a certification that they have read and understand the policy and program as outlined, and will actively support its implementation.
- Periodic meetings will be held with supervisory personnel to assure continuing active support for the program on their part.
- Any recruitment advertising that may be deemed necessary will include the “Equal Opportunity Employer” phrase.
- All recruiting will be done on the basis of qualifications only and discrimination due to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin will not be tolerated.
- Training and upgrading of employee skills, especially with regard to minority group employees, will continue to be a primary function and responsibility of supervisors. Periodic checks will be made with each supervisor to assure his continuous efforts in this area.
- The Tennessee office of Employment Security, Mississippi Office of Employment Security and Arkansas Office of Employment has been notified in writing that we are an Equal Opportunity Employer and that from time to time we have employment opportunities available.
- Specific efforts are made to encourage present minority employees to recruit their friends and relatives for positions we have available
- All Company facilities are provided on a non-segregated basis.
- White Construction and Associates, Inc. specifically invites all Veterans/Handicaps who wish to Benefit under the affirmative action program to identify themselves. This invitation is voluntary and information provided is confidential. Refusal to provide information will not subject any applicant or employee to any adverse treatment.
- It shall be the policy of White Construction and Associates, Inc. to review job qualification requirements periodically so as to insure affirmative action toward recruitment of Veterans and Vietnam era Veterans or individuals irregardless of physical and/or mental handicaps as job practices and requirements permit.
- White Construction and Associates, Inc. will make reasonable accommodations to the physical and mental limitation of disabled Vet/Handicaps as long as these accommodations do not impose a hardship on the conduction of normal business.

White Construction & Associates, Inc. Company is committed to providing a comfortable environment which is free from discrimination or harassment of any kind, including racial and sexual harassment. We expect our employees to refrain from making sexual jokes or suggestive comments, touching someone in a manner that might not be appropriate, or making gestures of a sexual nature. Avoid making unwelcome or derogatory comments about a person’s race, ethnic background, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or veteran status which the person would likely find offensive. This includes generalizations or descriptions and jokes based upon such attributes.
Your foremen, superintendents, and managers are strictly prohibited from requesting or requiring that you submit to a sexual relationship and may not discipline you for refusing such advances. If you experience or observe behavior that violates this policy, please bring it to the attention of your supervisor, or if you prefer, contact the corporate office and ask to speak to any of the officers. If you feel it necessary, you may bring it to the attention of the owner.
Any employee who engages in the conduct outlines above shall be subject to discipline, including termination.